Jun 14Liked by James J. Heaney

When I was a teen I had to write a couple pages on why I wanted to be confirmed. I wrote about how the Church has so many smart people throughout the ages (my parish's patron was Aquinas). I included the line, "It is great to have a Church that has all the answers and has already done the thinking for you!"

If you couldn't tell, I was being very insincere in my short essay. I wasn't too confident in the Church at the time.

Well, the archbishop apparently actually read the letters, and picked mine out to read at the Confirmation Mass. That was embarrassing!

Your essay reminded me of this childish pecadillo. I hope your daughters handle puberty better than I did.

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This deserves to be an anecdote from a Graham Greene or Walker Percy novel. Chef's kiss. I adore it.

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