How about Laura Kelly as a replacement?

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To be perfectly frank, I don't know a thing about her. That in itself might be a problem -- her national name recognition can't be higher than... 15%? (just a guess). But that is not necessarily an insurmountable problem if she can quickly make herself known and impress. Certainly winning in a red state is a good sign for her capability.

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Jun 29Liked by James J. Heaney

From a purely "Win the election: standard I think you analysis might well be right. Here is the difference. Everyone should actually care about the office and duties of the presidency. Biden is not capable of serving as president. I have been firm in my assessment of that since early 2021. Now it is common knowledge. To push through with Biden based on not being able to improve the calculated likelihood of victory is cynicism - cynicism about the government as a whole. People who actually hold that line should pay a huge penalty in public opinion. Seriously, a person who argues in incompetent, addled, ineffective, useless figurehead to sign the documents with a shadow cadre of unelected political hacks running the government without accountability or legal authority is preferable to losing an election should pay an enormous penalty in public opinion.

It can't just be about winning the election. It has to be about who will serve as president. at the very least there has to be the tacit admission that really we are electing the VP who will take over shortly - but that gets back to the same thing - we are running the VP as the candidate.

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Yeah, this is a fair point. My analysis is cynical about the parties' motives, I suppose because *I* have grown cynical about the parties' motives. (And even my own.)

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Jun 30Liked by James J. Heaney

I just came across this quote from another author with whom this is my first encounter. I am open to considering how well this reasoning holds up to scrutiny, but I was pleased that it fit well with the logic I was trying to convey in my comment above:


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Oh, I really like this essay.

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Lambasts Trunp on morality; promptly advocates for elder abuse. The hypocrisy is rank.

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didja happen to read footnote 4?

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Jun 29Liked by James J. Heaney

I, too, am alarmed that many, even most (!) influential decision makers aren’t Minnesotan!

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Sounds like Patrick Henry, who opposed the Constitution with the argument that it'd mean many decisions about Virginia would be made by people who weren't Virginians!

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