I don't care what you get out of it, but I for one learned an enormous amount about polling that I did not know previously, so I'm satisfied

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Just here to make sure somebody comments about that last footnote. I don’t really need any proof-in-link-form but I do really like the idea of you going back and forth on if the extra time/effort would be worth it or not and landing on “no, if I need to later I always can”. You made the right call, but I’m always here for your deep dives! That mock poll and the lizardman constant? Basically just extra footnotes on the article!

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Your wish is my command!


Note that 20% of self identified pro-lifers think "the decision of a woman to have an abortion should be left up to the woman and her doctor." Meanwhile, 8% of pro-choicers (above the Lizardman's Constant!) say that "abortion is the same as murdering a child" (the same proportion as disagree with the statement about the woman-and-her-doctor.

People are weird.

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