Against Trump: A Roundup
I expect to add to this list as the race continues.
First Things: Nikabrik's Candidate National Review: Against Trump National Review: Symposium: Conservatives Against Trump Ten Pro-Life Women: Dear Iowans Not. Trump. Matt Walsh: Dear Christians, If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny Weekly Standard: King Trump Sen. Ben Sasse: Tweets Against Trump Jay Nordlinger: How Trump and Clinton Supporters are Alike William Kristol: The Confidence Man David Harsyani: Donald Trump Is Not The Solution To GOP Incompetence William F. Buckley: On Trump the Demagogue Weigel, George, et. al.: An Appeal To Our Fellow Catholics James J. Heaney (as BCSWowbagger2): Trump's Wall Won't Stop Abortion
Robert Oscar Lopez: ...on an entirely different note, It's Too Late To Dump on Trump GitHub: TrumpScript v1.0